
有个歌是男女对唱的英文歌,高潮部分是哒哒哩哒滴什么什么的,后面是we can't stop we won't stop,求歌名

有个歌是男女对唱的英文歌,高潮部分是哒哒哩哒滴什么什么的,后面是we can't stop we won't stop,求歌名

We can't stop-Miley Cyrus《We Can'兄枝t Stop》将于作为美哗蔽国流行女歌手Miley Cyrus(麦莉羡芦敏·塞勒斯)第四张个人录音室专辑的首支单曲, So la da da di we like to party  Dancing with Miley  Doing whatever we want  This is our house  This is our rule  And we can’t stop  And we won’t stop