prefer to:更加喜欢,宁愿,宁可,更喜欢做某事;\x0d\x0a短语:\x0d\x0aprefer boys to girls 重男轻女逗指\x0d\x0aprefer composition to inheritance 组合优于继承\x0d\x0aprefer English to Chinese 比起语文更喜欢英语\x0d\x0aprefer life to dishonor 贪生怕死\x0d\x0aprefer not to say 不想说\x0d\x0aprefer Debbie to me 我更愿意黛比,我喜欢黛比\x0d\x0aprefer not to 不想,不想说\x0d\x0a近义词:\x0d\x0awould rather,would prefer\x0d\x0a例句:\x0d\x0aMost people prefer buying to sewing. \x0d\x0a大多数人宁愿买现成山宏配的衣服而不自己缝制了。\x0d\x0aI prefer to be with people|who can see the funny side of life. \x0d\x0a我更喜欢跟能看到生活中有趣一面的人在一起。\x0d\x0aWe prefer to stay where we are. \x0d\x0a我们宁愿保持着现在的样子。\x0d\x0aSo, like me, I prefer talking to young people, because they are forming their minds, they are developing, and he had a method of how to educate them. \绝州x0d\x0a正如我,我喜欢和年轻人说话,因为他们正在形成自己的思想,他们正在发展,他有一套方法去教育他们。
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