thinking of you想你;想着你;想著你例句1.However, the heart was more profound thinking of you.可是,心里却更深刻斗扮运的想着你。2.on thinking of you, i can't help saying : if there were more poeple like you, how much more beauty would be added to the world.想到你,我就禁不住说:假如有更多像你这样的人,世界的美好不知要增添几分。3."We will be thinking of you and praying for you during this holiday season, " he said.他说:“在佳节来临之时,我缺郑们会想着你们,并为你们祈祷。”4.I had been thinking of you, and was kneeling in the grass among fallen blossoms.想你已久,屈膝跪地,于青草落花之中。5.thinking of you too this new year , my love for you is as high as the sky .新春之际也在思念着你我空梁对你的真情像蓝天一样高
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