A detective is someone whose job is to discover what has happened in a crime or other situation and to find the people involved. Some detectives work in the police force and others work privately.detective是名词,一种职业,就是侦探的意思。detective story是侦探小说。In Britain, an inspector is an officer in the police who is higher in rank than a sergeant and lower in rank than a superintendent.在清颤含英国,inspector就是警察,警衔高于sergeant,低于superintendent。In the United States, an inspector is an officer in the police who is next in rank to a superintendent or police chief.在美国,inspector就是仅低于superintendent 或police chief的警官。In the British police force, a sergeant is an officer with the next to lowest rank. In American police forces, a sergeant is an officer with the rank immediately below a captain.在英国警方中,sergeant是仅高于最低级警官的,而在美国的警察体系中,sergeant是仅次于答笑警局副巡察官的。police是一个通称。英文部分摘自柯林洞型斯词典。
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