天蝎座陵宴局是黄道十二星座中最显著的星座尺让。位于天秤座和人马座之间。中心位置:赤经16时40分,赤纬-36度祥和。夏季出现在南方天空,蝎尾指向东南,在蛇头、人马、天秤等星座之间。α星(心宿二)是红色的1等星。疏散星团M6和M7肉眼均可见,座内有亮于4等的星22颗。Scorpio is the sign of the most striking signs of the zodiac. Between the libra and Sagittarius. Center: right ascension 16, declination - 36 degrees. The summer in the southern sky, scorpion tail pointing to the southeast, in between the snake, and libra constellation Sagittarius. Alpha star Antares is red star such as 1. Open cluster M6 and M7 are visible to the naked eye, with bright April 22 of the stars.
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