Gale Harold (演员) Profile Full name: Gale M. Harold III Born: July 10, 1969 Decatur, Georgia, USA. Parents: mother = real estate agent father = engineer 身高:6英尺2英寸(6英尺=1.83m,6英尺2英寸约1.88m)双亲: 母亲,地产代理商。 父亲,工程师。 Siblings : 1 older sister 1 younger brother 亲属关系: 有一个姐姐和一个弟弟。 Spouse : none Children :谨源 none Education: Studied Romance Literature at American University in Washington D.C. Studied Fine Arts at the San Francisco Art Institute Completed the Actor’s Conservatory Program while at A Noise Within Theatre Company, Los Angeles 教育情况:在华盛顿的美国大学学习浪漫文学。在洛杉矶的A Noise Within Theatre Company期间完成了旧金山艺术学院表演艺术的学习。 Scholarships : won a soccer scholarship to American University 奖学金:荣获了美国大学的足球奖学金。 Sports: Soccer 体育运动: 足球 Tattoos: On the inside of his right middle finger, the word RESIST. Gale does not discuss the tattoo. 纹身基晌仔:在右手的中指内侧刻有“RESIST ”(抵抗)。GALE不愿谈论他的纹身。 Previous jobs: Waiter, Painter, Construction Worker, Carpenter, Motorcycle Mechanic 工作经历:侍者、画家、建筑工人、木匠、摩托车机械师。 Friend: who suggested he go into acting Susan Landau Finch (producer, writer, daughter of Martin Landau) 交友:Susan Landau Finch(制片人、作家、马丁·兰道的女儿搏汪)是她建议GALE踏入演艺圈。 大致上应该是这样吧,不知道是不是和你说的是一个人.我想应该是吧!!~
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