是这首歌吗?The Day I Died我死的那天Drag myself from my bed Around 20 past 66:20左右我很困难的起了床Get my kids up make breakfast 1 egg 2 toast 3 weetabix叫我的孩子起床,做的早餐是1个鸡蛋,2片吐司,3三个维它必克斯(一种早餐食用品)And as I sit down I look up我坐下的同时抬头看了看And your standing in the doorway sun at your back你站在门口,太阳在你的后方in my old brown dressing gown在我的旧棕色晨衣里Well no one can love you more than I love you now嗯,现在没人比我更爱你了but I但我Gotta go running for the bus要去一路跑着追公交车Coat flying and i try not to miss it this time外套都飞起来了,我试图不错过这班车But the drivers waiting and that's strangeKids on the top deck quiet for a change但是司机在等着,孩子们为了换换花样坐在上层车厢,这很奇枯棚怪And theres no rain and no roadworks in theBus lane and all my hurts run away在公交专用道没有一路下雨也没有道路施工,我所有的疼痛都消失了And im smiling as I'm punching in我微笑着打了(记录上班时间)的卡ChorusThe day I died was the best day of my life (2x)我死的那天会是我一生最棒的一天*2Tell my friends and my kids and my wifeeverything will be alright告诉我的朋友我的孩子我的老婆,一切都会好起来的The day I died was the best day of my life我死的那天会是我一生最棒的一没让则天Now the secretaries they got a smile for me现在秘书们冲我微笑and the in tray on my desks almost empty我办公桌上的碟里几乎是空的I get a memo from executive joe我从主管joe(乔)那里得到一份备忘saying Rob the gob is getting kicked outfor embezzling funds from the company account那里面说rob(罗伯)那混蛋因为从公司账目里盗用资金被开除了and i'd be lying if i said i wasn't chuffed我要是说我不高兴那我解释在撒谎cos i always hated rob因为滑禅我一直讨厌roband now they'll probably offer me robs old job而且现在他们可能会让我去做rob以前的工作And in the park at lunch我在公园午餐Theres no whinos on my favorite bench在我最爱的长椅上没有whinos(whinos什么意思我也不清楚)none of that drunk chatter none of that pissy stench没有臭气熏天的酒鬼喋喋不休and the 20 little pigeons with the gammy leg decide to dine from someone elses sandwich instead那20之小鸽子和那个瘸子决定去要别人的三明治当午饭and there's something about the city todaylike all the colours conspire to overwhelm the grey这个城市今天有什么事情,似乎所有的颜色一起将灰色淹没and this close to the fire I can feel no cold这里离火很近所以我不觉得冷but a rainbow halo around my soul但是一个七色光环出围绕在我的灵魂ChorusThe day I died was the best day of my life (2x)我死的那天会是我一生最棒的一天*2Tell my friends and my kids and my wifeeverything will be alright告诉我的朋友我的孩子我的老婆,一切都会好起来的The day I died was the best day of my life我死的那天会是我一生最棒的一天So I leave work get to the high street and i miss my bus所以我下班去了大街上,错过了我的公交车Should i wait for another no I can't be arsed我该再等一辆么? 不,我才不愿意I begin to walk and rush hour crowd seem to part我开始溜达,下班高峰期的人们似乎分流了Like the red sea, and im stopping at the offy这像红海,我在烟酒铺停下了脚步20 cigerettes and a 6 pack to relax me我用20只烟和1 6 pack 放松And as I cross back over the street我又回到了那条街I guess i never saw that taxi我想我没看见一辆计程车I guess I never saw that taxi我想我没看见一辆计程车dodododododododoood!ChorusThe day I died was the best day of my life (2x)我死的那天会是我一生最棒的一天*2Tell my friends and my kids and my wifeeverything will be alright告诉我的朋友我的孩子我的老婆,一切都会好起来的The day I died was the best day of my life我死的那天会是我一生最棒的一天
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