威胁的英文单词是:threat n / θret ; θrɛt / 英 / θret /[C,U] a statement in which you tell someone that you will cause them harm or trouble if they do not do what you want 威胁,恐吓告裤Your threats don’t scare me.你的那些威胁吓不倒我。threats made against his wife and children对他妻儿的威胁Nichols never carried out his threat to resign.尼科尔斯威胁过要辞职,但从未付诸行动。The government will not give in to terrorist threats .政府不会袜陆简屈服于恐怖分子的威胁。She dismissed the statement as an empty threat .她无视悉并这项声明,认为是个空口威胁。
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我今年21岁不小心把一个中年妇女肚子搞大了! 现在很着急,请各位网友帮忙出招.
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