芬谈敏兰金属乐队Bleak玉战士主题曲Fate(命运)是一个MV 地含渗枝址:http://www.uusee.com/upload/video/ents/mv/061031yuzhanshi.wmv音乐下载 4f|~d ^/ wC|Ay1:w5) 放出歌词: EhDrOQ"Uk x@3 [Bleak:] ^9*&sW All the roads lead back to you F?]sfxx,' 6b0pyvkV [Ana:] @R%{b Give me something to return to 1li]}X< In your heart D;%/C\1 I fear nothing but to leave here $ f84e0Y Without you for life L gq' We were left in this world for each other 7N~L'.G [Bleak:] ~)&FPp"% Give me something to return to in your heart >X$rH%K I fear nothing but to leave here _n-r3}9 Without you for life Po1}z?Rf/ Af~ZR7k}j [Bleak & Ana] <\x"`p3'Q We were left in this world for eachother o.{/drO?\ But I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long Qell~ v,Z YW:fj8W7 [Bleak:] szGDWv: Give me something to return to in your heart OJ6+"3;s I fear nothing but to leave here sUkjjm Without you for life yD"RP {E@;P-[p Give me something to return to in your heart LD0z]$rMS I fear nothing but to leave here 1u` -_;l Without you for life ;Fxc0$$& <5ZVm [Bleak & Ana:] SZ_ K~Cu^G We were left in this world for eachother >Jq(Pqe24 But I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long jNBA-1EI u>"CjKXr(D We were left in this world for eachother tN=n)GH1 I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long t.iVP^K$