起飞差握的英语翻译:take off
1、The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.(事故是在喷气式飞机正要起飞时发生的。)
2、Three planes were standing on the tarmac, waiting to take off.(三架飞机停在跑道上,等候裤纤起飞。)
3、The jet is about to take off.(那架喷气式飞机即将起飞虚纯庆。)
4、You can't trust the plane to take off on time.(你不能指望飞机会准点起飞。)
5、The plane is about to take off.(飞机就要起飞了。)
take off 其它释义:脱下;离开;突然成功;
它是一组是可分开短语,要记住如果受词是代名词 it 或是 them,就只能 take it off 和 take them off ,不可以放在off的后面。