DPRK may consider peace offer BRIGHTENING prospects for ending a nuclear stalemate, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said it would consider U.S. President George W. Bush'旁隐s offer of written security assurances in return for dismantling its nuclear weapons program. Still, the abrupt shift raised hope of resuming six-nation talks aimed at ending the yearlong standoff. U.S. officials believe Pyongyang already has one or two atomic bombs and can yield several more bombs within months from its nuclear programs. The DPRK has already informed the U.S. officials of its new intentions through its diplomats at the United Nations, an unnamed spokesman for Pyongyang's Foreign Ministry said Saturday. The U.S. administration responded to the DPRK's latest comment with guarded optimism. "We're looking at the message, and we hope the DPRK will return to the Beijing six-party talks,'' said Jimmy Orr, a presidential spokesman. During a summit of Asia-Pacific leaders last week in Thailand, Bush proposed that the United States, Russia, South Korea, Japan and China -- participants in the first round of six-nation talks held in Beijing in August -- offer written assurances that the DPRK would not be attacked if Pyongyang promises to dismantle its nuclear program. "We are ready to consider Bush's remarks on the '森搏written assurances of nonaggression' if they are based on the intention to coexist with the DPRK'' and offer "simultaneous actions,'此启祥' the DPRK's spokesman said. The DPRK has previously said that "simultaneous actions'' include economic and humanitarian aid from the United States, opening diplomatic ties, and building a nuclear power plant. It has also said it must include a nonaggression treaty -- something the Bush administration has refused. In exchange, the DPRK has said it would declare its willingness to give up nuclear development, allow nuclear inspections, give up missiles exports and finally dismantle its nuclear weapons facilities. (SD-Agencies)
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