You'll walk unscathed through musket fire 相信你能够从容穿越枪林弹雨而毫发无伤No ploughman's blade will cut thee down 相信无情的利刃无法把你伤害No cutler's horn will mark thy face 相信尖利的长矛不会划伤你俊美的脸庞And you will be my ain true love, 你就是我的真命嫌则天子And you will be my ain true love 你就是我的真爱And as you walk through death's dark veil 相信当你穿越死神的黑色面纱The cannon's thunder can't prevail 炮火的轰鸣也会变哑And those who hunt thee down will fail 伤害你的人们也会突然倒下And you will be my ain true love, 你就是我的真命天子And you will be my ain true love. 你就是我的真哪侍爱Asleep inside the cannon's mouth,当他长眠在炮火声中 The captain cries, "Here comes the rout," 上校哭喊:我们就要溃败They'll seek to find me north and south, 他们会到处找寻我的身影I've gone to find my ain true love. 我已经追随我的真爱远去The field is cut and bleeds to red. 山河破碎,血色染红了大地The cannon balls fly round my head, 子弹在耳边呼啸飞过The infirmary man may count me dead, 我早已魂归九天When I've gone to find my ain true love, 去寻找我的真命天子I've gone to find my ain true love.去追随我的真爱……芹缓棚……………………………………………………………………自己翻的,大概就是这个意思
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