


'America's Next Top Model' Allison Q&A: 'I'd love to work in TV again'Published Thursday, Dec 8 2011, 20:00 GMTAlison 在比赛后接受的一个采访。What are your plans going forward?"I love working in production, shooting the photographs, editing them. I have so many ideas I'm working on executing right now through art direction. I'm lucky I'm able to have people commission me to do portraits and I'm very busy with that. I'm very lucky and trying to tap into all of those things now. I also love modelling, so I just feel like I'm in the most productive period of my life and going with that right now."What about doing music videos? You had success in that area on the show..."(Laughs) I suppose we'll see what happens with that! I'm not trying to be a recording artist. I had so much fun with it so it was a best-case scenario with how it could have worked out for myself. It was so mortifying, at least in the beginning, because it was something I'd never done, but I ended up having a good time with it."Would you be interested in appearing on TV in some capacity again?"I would love to. I might try acting and take some acting classes. I used to love doing theater and things in high school and in junior high I was a big part of drama. I'll see what happens with that. I'm always up for trying new things and I live in New York so it's wonderful I have all these outlets available to me should I want to pursue them. I'm open to trying new things and I'd love to work in television again."记者:你以后有什么计卜物划呢?Ali:我喜欢做一些创意性的工作。拍照啦,编辑照片啊。我现在在做一些艺术指导方面的工作,我有很多很多的想法。我很幸前亩运,现在又许多人愿意让我来画画。我现在工作很满。我觉得我运气不错,也很享受这种生活。我也喜欢做模特,所以我觉得我正处在生命中的创作黄金期,型悔液要把握现在。记者:你想过拍mv吗?节目上你在这块表现得挺成功的。Ali:(笑)到时候再说吧!我没想过要唱歌。不过当时拍的时候挺有意思的,这对我来说也是个肯定,说明我有这个能力。在最开始的时候实在是够折磨人的,我从来没做过这些,不过最后过程我很享受。记者:以后再有这种出现在电视上的机会,你还愿意接受吗?Ali:当然了。我想试试表演,也上了一些表演课。我以前想在剧院工作。在初中和高中的时候我都是戏剧社的活跃分子。我很想看看未来我在这方面能有什么发展。我总是乐于尝试新事物的,现在我住在纽约,为我接触不同机会提供了很好的条件,我也会尽力去抓住这个机遇。我不排斥任何新的东西,也愿意再在电视节目里出现。