控股的英文是什么? share holding
控股公司: [ kòng gǔ gōng sī ] 1. holding company2. "holding company, controlling company"控股机构: [ kòng gǔ jī gòu ] jority-ownedsubsidiary投资控股: [ tóu zī kòng gǔ ] arecontroltakeover相互控股: tualstockholding控股股东: joritystockholder控股托拉斯: [ kòng gǔ tuō lā sī ] 1. holding trust本身不营业的控股公司: n-operatingholdingcompany全资企业:Exclusively-invested enterprises State-controlling company 国家控股公司 ( The writer is an assistant manager of corporate relations in SPH) (作者是报业控股公关助理经理) a bank holding company owning several banks. 一家拥有几家银行的银行控股公司。 (The writer is Assistant Manager, Corporate Relations, SPH.) (作者为新加坡报业控股集团公关部助理经理) (The writer is Assistant Manager, Corporate Relations of SPH) (作者为新加坡报业控股集团公关部助理经理) ( The author is a Resouce Panelist for SPH's Chinese newspapers ) (作者是报业控股华文报咨询团成员) a takeover bid where the acquirer offers to pay more for the shares needed to gain control than for the remaining shares. 取得方花更多的钱购买控股所需要的股票的接收出价。 Of this total, the value-added created by state-owned enterprises and joint-ownership enterprises where state held the controlling share was 1,136.5 billion, up 4.9 percent. ]] 其中国有及国有控股企业11365亿元,比上年增长4.9%; Of which, the growth of state-owned and state holding enterprises was 8.6%, that of collective enterprises was 7.7%, that of the joint ventures was 14.4%. 其中国有及国有控股企业增长8.6%,集体企业增长7.7%,三资企业增长14.4%