go 英[ɡəu] 美[ɡo] 过去式:went 过去分词:gone 现在分词:going 复数:goes vi. 1.去; 走; 行; 驶 2.进行, 运行, 运转 3.放, 置,被放置,被置于,被安放 4.伸展, 通往,(从…)通向,延伸到 5.消失, 丢失 6.垮下来, 死 7.花费, 销售 8.行, 有效 9.据说, 流传 10.移动,旅行 11.离开,离去,出发 12.去做(某事) 13.去参加,去从事 14.被发送,被传递 15.(不)适合 16.放(不)进 17.除尽,除 18.进展,进行 19.进入…状态;处于…状况,脱离…状态 20.变成,变为,变得(尤指朝坏的方面) 21.(在某种状态下)生活,过活,移动 22.(诗或歌中词、调)唱,说,故事)发生情况如何 23.发出(某种声音),做(某种动作) 24.发出信号(或警告) 25.说 26.开始(活动) 27.不复存伏卜在,不见,丢失,失窃 28.(得或可)辞掉(或扔掉、废弃) 29.变坏,损坏,不起作用 30.有助于,促成,起作用 31.可得到,可买到,现成可用 32.流败滑逝,消逝,过去 33.用厕所,上厕所 link-v. 1.发出…声音 2.变得, 成为, 处于…状态 n. 1.轮到机会 2.精力, 干劲,活力,热情 3.(做某事的)尝试,一番努力 不及物动词 vi.1.去; 走; 行; 驶 I want to go, but she wants to stay.我要走, 但她想留下来。I told the driver to go slow.我叫司机开慢点。The train is going north.列车向北行驶。The train goes in 15 minutes.火车15分钟后开出。She has gone to the station.她去车站了。He went to see his aunt last night.他昨天晚上去看望了姨母。Go and have a glass of beer!去喝一杯啤酒吧!I'm going to enter a university.我要上大学。He often goes marketing.他经常去市场做生意。2.进行, 运行, 运转 Everything went pretty smoothly.一切察厅腊进展相当顺利。There are still two years to go.还有两年时间可利用。The engine went beautifully.这台发动机运转得相当好。3.放, 置,被放置,被置于,被安放 My clothes won't all go into that tiny suitcase.那个小衣箱装不下我所有的衣物。The shirts go in the top drawer.衬衫放在最上层的抽屉里。4.伸展, 通往,(从…)通向,延伸到 Where does this road go to?这条路通向哪里?I want a rope long enough to go from here to there.我要一根可以从这里拉到那里的长绳子。The roots of this plant go deep.这种植物的根扎得很深。5.消失, 丢失 My fever has gone, but I have a cough.我退烧了, 但是还有点咳嗽。He got up in the morning and found that all the snow had gone.他早晨起来发现雪已经全部消失了。My purse has gone!我的钱包丢了!6.垮下来, 死 The ladder went at the critical moment.在关键时刻梯子垮了。The bridge went under the heavy weight.桥被压垮了。7.花费, 销售 My money is going fast!我的钱花得很快!A lot of my grant goes on books.我的许多补助金都花在书上。How much of your money goes in rent?你花在租金上的钱是多少?These socks are going at one pound a pair.这些短袜每双卖一英镑。The antique table went to the lady in the pink hat.这张古董桌子卖给那位戴粉红色帽子的女士了。8.行, 有效9.据说, 流传 The story goes that he was murdered.据说他被谋杀了。The story goes that long ago there lived a king.流传着这样一个故事, 讲的是很久以前有个国王。This is how the song goes.这首歌就是这么唱的。10.移动,旅行11.离开,离去,出发12.去做(某事)13.去参加,去从事14.被发送,被传递15.(不)适合16.放(不)进17.除尽,除18.进展,进行19.进入…状态;处于…状况,脱离…状态20.变成,变为,变得(尤指朝坏的方面)21.(在某种状态下)生活,过活,移动22.(诗或歌中词、调)唱,说,故事)发生情况如何23.发出(某种声音),做(某种动作)24.发出信号(或警告)25.说26.开始(活动)27.不复存在,不见,丢失,失窃28.(得或可)辞掉(或扔掉、废弃)29.变坏,损坏,不起作用30.有助于,促成,起作用31.可得到,可买到,现成可用32.流逝,消逝,过去33.用厕所,上厕所 系动词 link-v.1.发出…声音 Ducks go “quack”.鸭子发出“嘎嘎”的叫声。The guns went “boom”.大炮发出“轰轰”声。2.变得, 成为, 处于…状态 The woman had gone mad.那女人疯了。Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather.在热天, 水果会很快变质。He went pale at the news.他听到这个消息时脸色变得苍白。My absence had gone unnoticed.我的缺席未能引起人家注意。名词 n.1.轮到机会 You've been on the swing for ten minutes, it's my go now.你荡秋千有10分钟了, 现在该轮到我了。You'll be given a go next time.下次你会有机会的。2.精力, 干劲,活力,热情 The youth has plenty of go in him.这个年轻人活力十足。The children are full of go.They run and play all day.这些小孩子精力充沛, 他们整天跑呀玩呀。3.(做某事的)尝试,一番努力
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