欺负的英文是: Bullying
造句双语:He has been training to counter the mental and physical bullying that is Foreman's style.他一直在训练,以对抗精神和身体欺凌,这睁乎是福尔曼的风格。
Physical bullying is kicking, punching, while emotional bullying is name calling, spreading rumors and other verbal abuse.身体上的欺悉冲悉凌是踢、打,而情感上的欺凌是辱骂、散布谣言和其他语判敬言上的虐待。
While in school, she was the victim of physical bullying, with other students kicking, punching, and hitting her.在学校的时候,她是身体欺凌的受害者,其他学生踢她、打她、打她。