phantom of the opera 歌剧魅影ChristineIn sleep he sang to meIn dreams he cameThat voice which calls to meAnd speaks my nameAnd do I dream againFor now I findThe phantom of the opera is thereInside my mindSing once again with mePhantomOur strange duetMy power over youGrows stronger yetAnd though you turn from meto glance behindThe phantom of the opera is thereInside your mindChristineThose who have seen your faceDraw back in fearI am the mask you wearPhantomIt’s me they hearBothMy/Your spirit and my/your voiceIn one combinedThe phantom of the opera is thereinside my/your mindChorusIs that the phantom of the operaBeware the phantom of the operaPhantomIn all your fantasies you always knewThat man and mysteryChristineWere both in youBothAnd in this labrinthWhere night is blindThe Phantom of the opera is here/thereChristineInside my mindPhantomSing my Angel of Music!CHRISTINEHe’s therethe Phantom of the Opera
2023-06-27 17:12 阅读(571) -
歌词:感动天 感动地,怎么感动不了你 这是什么歌?
2023-06-25 17:32 阅读(625) -
2023-06-24 14:05 阅读(635)
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4 歌词你到我身边带着微微笑
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