国内很多人都不知道,卡佩罗一直代言的都是意大利的ZERORH+, 1. 品牌介绍卡佩罗的宽边眼镜,有人说这是他的“迷你印钞机”。透过这副眼镜看足球,他练就鹰一般的眼力,为自己和他执教的球队捕捉到丰厚的财富。卡佩罗同时承认,自己虽然外表看起来古板,其实很喜欢追求时尚,不过他注意让自己不要成为时尚的牺仿改亮牲品。卡佩罗说,他特别喜欢Zerorh+ 牌的高级眼镜,原因是当年他在时改戴这个牌子好运就不断,“我家里都有一大袋的Zerorh+了,至于具体的数量,那我从来就没有去数过。”Zerorh+ 虽然在中国能见度尚低,但这个品牌在国外却早已远近驰名。Zerorh+ 长年以来专替国外的时尚名流和顶尖运动员打造专属的高阶运动眼镜;从蒙地卡罗高尔夫球公开赛、Team Alfa Romeo Yachting到2007美洲杯帆船赛冠军Alinghi Team,处处歼模可见Zerorh+ 的身影;英国足球总教练Fabio Capello(卡佩罗)、摩纳哥王储Alberto二世,这些低调的名人所选用的眼镜也都是Zerorh+ 。2.国内购买 该品牌尚未进入中国市场,但淘宝店铺 阳光之旅程 有备宽售, 而且店主承诺100%正品,假一赔十,七天无条件退款或者换货.有兴趣可以去看看,了解一下没坏处另外给你英文的介绍以证明所言非虚 Fabio Capello, the striker in the Juventus and Milan teams before becoming the trainer for Rome, Juventus and Real Madrid, chose Zerorh+, distributed in Italy by Allison S.p.A..There is an unbreakable bond between this exceptional testimonial and the glasses he wears: the inseparable link between prestige and performance and quality and research.For the 07/08 campaign Fabio Capello wears the Lybra and Iter models.The former is a perfect mix of ergonomics and design and they are the ideal vision glasses for an active, dynamic life, even outdoors.Wraparound and flexible, Lybra takes corrective sun lenses or photochromic lenses.Iter, on the other hand, combines refined esthetics and structural strength thanks to top performance frames in a special metal alloy and bi-injected temples.Interpreting the brand’s prestige and quality, Fabio Capello not only wears Zerorh+ glasses for the advertising campaign, but also for his sports activities and in his private life.He wears Zerorh+ sunglasses, and specifically the Xaus model, in a special aluminum alloy that is extremely strong and light.Not just comfortable, Xaus is a precise choice by anyone who wants elegance as well as a sporty look and constant challenges, thanks to the exclusive lenses that give peak performance in all weather conditions.