Lyrics:[Intro]Blah blah blablah.[Verse 1]Wanna join me, come and play.But I might shoot you, in your face.Bombs and bullets will, do the trick.What we need here, is a little bit of panic!想加入我吗?来吧一起来玩但我有可能 会朝你的脸开枪炸药和子弹 将完成接下来的节目在这里我们需岁尘键要的 是表现得更惊慌一些!Do you ever wanna catch me?Right now I'm feeling ignored!So can you try a little harder?I'm really getting bored!你真的有想抓住我吗?现在我觉得被冷落了!所以拜托你 再努力一点好吗?不然我真的开始觉得无聊了![Chorus]Come on, shoot faster,Just a little bit of energy!I wanna try something fun right now,I guess some people call it anarchy!来吧 再射快一点只需要再花一点能量我现在想试个有趣的点兄备子!我想这就是所谓的"无政府状态?"Let's blow this city to ashes, And see what Pow-Pow thinks.It's such pathetic neatness,But not for long 'cause it'll get jinxed!让我们把城市轰成废墟再问问炮炮怎麼看这里的井然有序是如此可悲但持续不久 因为它要倒.大.楣了![Verse 2]So much better, so much fun.Let's start from scratch and, blow up the sun!这不是好多了吗? 更有趣了!让我们再从头开始 这次要把太阳炸了![Chorus]Come on, shoot faster,Just a little bit of energy!I wanna try something fun right now,I guess some people call it anarchy!来吧 再射快一点只需要再花一点能量我现在想试个有趣的点子!我想乎巧这就是所谓的"无政府状态?"Let's blow this city to ashes,And see what Pow-Pow thinks.It's such pathetic neatness,But not for long 'cause it'll get jinxed!让我们把城市变成废墟再问问炮炮怎麼看这里的井然有序是如此可悲但持续不久 因为它要倒.大.楣了![End]Come on!Come on!And get jinxed!
2023-04-14 01:45 阅读(568) -
2023-04-13 13:38 阅读(566) -
2023-04-12 21:45 阅读(568)
1 lol猴子皮肤多少钱,分别是多少
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2 lol英雄联盟top,mid,adc,bot,sup是什么意思
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3 LOL瑞文连招技巧?
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4 lol捷拉怎么玩 谁教教我 详细点哈
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