They were denied anobvious penalty before the midway point of the first half.(上半场比赛还未过半,他们被否决了一次明显的罚球机会。)There is anobvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.(东西方文化之间圆大存在着明显的差异。)
It was patentlyobvious that she was lying.(她显然是在孝掘撒谎。橘慎竖)Her deep hatred of her sister wasobvious.(一眼便能看出她对姐姐恨之入骨。)It was glaringlyobvious.(这是非常明显的。)It'sobvious why.(很明显是为什么。)
There areobvious continuities between diet and health.(日常饮食与健康之间有着明显的逻辑关联。)She was theobvious choice for the job.(她是这一工作的当然人选。)