
有个游戏叫 心有灵犀一点通,就是一个人表演另一个人猜,现求详细规则及将规则翻译成英语

有个游戏叫 心有灵犀一点通,就是一个人表演另一个人猜,现求详细规则及将规则翻译成英语

A player steal wheat, according to the m sequence in Numbers such as (11223344)... Group two groups of two good teams finished leave one explanation on wheat, guess the word team members automatically under three presided over by the five words to mic on commentary, explanation cannot pragraphs, can't, do not use a foreign language or dialect directly explain word, otherwise is to guess the word. Four groups of outsiders have, to say someone is right, but we can not specify which player right, also can't tell right players presided over other characteristics can be rejected