"Supervisor"You have to fill in "who this person is to you". What is his/her relationship to you. 他是你的甚么人。不是与你有何关系 (relationship "with" you).Other examples: sister, father, grandfather, cousin, friend, teacher, neighbour, aunt, mother, mentor.... Do not write "very close" or "not so close", etc. Some people interpret the meaning of relationship as "关系”, then fill in "很宴悄咐密切”晌纯、"不怎么样"、“还可以”、“在发展中”。运码
2023-03-03 01:24 阅读(31948) -
2023-04-11 23:58 阅读(25158) -
我今年21岁不小心把一个中年妇女肚子搞大了! 现在很着急,请各位网友帮忙出招.
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